A project to go against the systems overpriced public transport. We created an insurance to support our locals.

Over the past twenty years the price of train tickets has increased over 23%. That makes the Netherlands one of the most expensive countries of the world when it comes to public transportation. While public transport should be the best option for traveling (considering the environment). The government is making this impossible by increasing the prices every year.

If they don’t give us the chance to travel, we will do it OFF TRACK

The system

Everybody within the community is obliged to pay a monthly fee. The calculations of this fee go as follows:

Calculate your monthly travel expenses(ns). (for example: €153 per month for 1000km)
Calculate 40% of this total amount. (€153:100 = €1,53. €1.53 X 40 = €61,2

€61,2 is the monthly fee that you pay for your traveling expenses. This means that you will save €91,8 per month on travel costs.

If we notice that there are less fines given than we expected, we will lower the percentage. Which means you will save more money! The less fines we collect, the less money you pay!

We use this system because the more you travel the higher the risk is you will catch a fine. Therefore, we only allow people that are willing to work together to avoid the fines. Give a heads up if a conductor is coming. And if you have enough time to buy a ticket on your phone you do that. We will cover these costs out of the piggybank as well because it is definitely cheaper than a fine.

Note: all members of the network are obliged to show their travels of the last month. This way we can check if you are scamming our system. Once the info is checked we will delete it immediately.

Sharing and using the network

When nearby a NZ device you are able to connect with other travelers using the network. Share usefull info and chat with eachother.

Prototype application


© Copyright Ruud van der Kant 2023