For this project I was researching the moral and ethical aspects of investing in NFT. An NFT is
a non-fungible and it means that it’s unique and can’t be replaced with something else.
Buying an NFT isn’t going to give you the right to own the “artwork”. You’re buying the
unique token which represent the signature of the digital artwork. The ironic part is that
NFTs were originally conceived as an ethical correction to the art market that often failed to
reward artists for their effort. But because it took shape as a form crypto, it lost its use in
the blockchain and trade market. This has led some people in the society to say that
investing in NFT only gives “bragging rights” over a piece of digital art. And this “bragging”
rights could coast around millions and millions worth in crypto which leads to another
ethical question. Is it worth spending so much money in digital art which is basically just a
Another ethical aspect is that the crypto mining of ETH (Ethereum) is a direct threat to the
environment. Every time someone buys or sells an NFT or makes another transaction in the
Ethereum network, it burns around 229 kilowatt/hour of power, which is equivalent to
producing 128 kilograms of carbon dioxide. That’s about the same amount of power that a
common family household would use in two weeks. So basically, people are spending and
investing in crypto with no interest in the artist or their work, but they are only thinking
about the future worth of the NFT. Wrongly investing their money in code which could be
used for a better cause and they are directly involved in ruining the environment by using
ETH as a currency.

This agent vandalize existing NFT's. It takes the original and add 4 kinds of random elements
and develops a new visual. It also immediately uploads it and sells it @ OPENSEA
(NFT trading market) To show that people will buy anything.